Friday, October 9, 2009

Sarah Bearse installing 10/10 with opening at 3pm

Sarah Bearse is an installation artist currently straddling the Providence/Boston divide. She is interested in creating pieces that facilitate an experiential engagement with art. Her current focus is exploring the multi-layered border between private and public identity (through images, text, speech, data, etc.) and the movement of this information into the cultural framework.

Her installment in the Dirt Palace Storefront Window Gallery asks you to adventure into the realm of self-portraits. Passersby will be encouraged to take their own photos at the push of a button and have their image displayed on a projector in the window. You will also be able to contribute self portraits through a website.

With the proliferation of the self-portrait in recent years due in part to the invention of social networking sites, she has chosen to ground this piece in the self-portrait to examine modern modes of reproduction and distribution of image.

On view Oct 10th-Nov 6th.

Opening Oct 10th from 3pm-5pm with hot apple cider.

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