Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024! Attune to June




JUNE 2024


Monday June 3rd at Dirt Palace Olneyville
All Ages, Masked event, $10-$20 NOTAFLOF
Doors 7pm 


They will also be holding Gallery Visits through June 16, you can find those dates and register at








Paige Mazurek is a multidisciplinary artist. Her work considers joy and pleasure within the everyday, drawing inspiration from observations within the American landscape and her own personal history. In 2011, she earned a BFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts + Tufts University and in 2019 she earned a graduate certificate in audio storytelling from the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies at the Maine College of Art. She is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and currently based in Brooklyn, NY.

‘Soft Touch’ considers softness and sensuality in the everyday. The installation makes space for what can come in when we slow down: feelings, memories, presentness, love, and a little humor. It includes work made in neon, cast glass, film + sound. The space is painted with light and color. At random intervals, a bubble machine turns on and fills the space with bubbles. Sound from the film is heard through contact speakers using the window display glass as a conduit.





Hey! Exyl here, we are slowly but surely entering the abundance of Summer! It’s overwhelming and giving me back pain. I’m enjoying the fresh produce that comes with impending warmth... here is a delicate snap pea with a girlish bow on her head:

Here are some carrots that are hugging each other… 

Here is a person who has too many bananas… which is funny because bananas don't grow around here


I spent the last few days scouring College Hill for items to bring home as graduation and the ensuing flurry of moving out happens. Almost every curb had something on it. In no particular order I obtained:

- futon frame
- some cushions
- lava lamp
- 1.5 mirrors
- small table
- ramen
- broken keyboard

and it has made me think very anxiously about overabundance and transience, two things which coming from a intensely forward looking and amnesic country is something that lingers constantly on the edge of my mind. I feel the need to hold on even as I'm being propelled ruthlessly into the future!! Anyway, I hope you will all come to the animation screening at Dirt Palace in August, and may the future fall gently upon us all!! <3

Deary diary,
If Autumn is the season of death, then Spring is the season of birth. I've been thinking a lot about motherhood. Thinking a lot about the women whose lives I am a result of. Where else to take my questions of mothers and daughters but to poetry? I've been writing this one poem for months. Trying to find the words. Trying to find the answers. Still looking. Maybe I'll find the words to talk about the things I can't. Maybe you'll read a longer version of this in my chapbook at the end of 2024... Talk soon!! xoxoxo

It's summer, again.
We are not kids anymore.
Grandma lives in a home now-- not the one Grandpa built for her on Winter St. in the winter of '69, but another one
with other folks who are forgetting their kin like the days of the week.
And it's summer, again.
We are not kids anymore, but my knees are scraped raw to the fleshy white meat
Just like when we were kids and I would always get hurt the hardest.
Bruised like an August plum,
leaking red on my grandparents doorstep.

Q (John-Francis Quiñonez)

Howdy All, 
Q here ~ BeTimberlanded DIY Aunt-Figure. Oh what a Spring it has been thus far! The Eels are back! The Buds have Blossomed and Gone Wonky into the Wind! My eyes are on Fire! I’m 33 now ( a Taurus taking up a little space here in late May to Stand Tall ‘midst the 80% of my exes that are Gemini ) - in my Jesus year!
It’s been a Powerful time with this chapter of the Columbus Theatre winding down, Programming at Lost Bag winding way up, the announcement of Big Feeling Ice Cream landing our Brick and Mortar….oh and I just got back from a little Tour performing poems across the Northeast! I’ve been rocketing towards a new collection of poems that I am hoping to release as an album of Collaborative Reading + Music Ensemble sometime in the next year!

You’ve caught me in a rare and momentous gap where I don’t have any flyers to share but here’s some quick things:

At Lost Bag (4 Aurora St above the Providence Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) ~
@ lostbagspace on insta
> Every Monday we have Model-led Figure Drawing Sessions. 7:15 Doors, 7:30 Start Time
> June 11th - Gemma Laurence, Breachway. Doors 7:30. (Gentle & Haunting Folk/Americana)
> June 12th - Willa Van Nostrand, sage ua sole, American Echoes. Doors 7:30.
> June 24th - Wavers, Time Thief, Older Brother, TBA. Doors 7:30.
> June 27th - Liah Koh, Whitney Johnson, Daniella Ben-Bassatt, Tayla R. Doors 7:30

With Big Feeling Ice Cream
@ bigfeeling_pvd
> Every Other Monday we will be doing a Pop-up at Bolt Coffee (Washington St.) serving up select Sundaes, Scoops, and Pints for our SUNDAE MONDAY series! 5-9pm (or sell out).
> We are officially in the fun Working-with-contractors part of Opening up our First Brick & Mortar. Who knows when we will be open!? It’ll be lovely when we do, and I hope you’ll come celebrate with us!

My first Public Show of Visual Art
@ Q_buckaroo on Insta
> At Riffraff sometime this Summer! 6 or so Brand New Paintings + Prints

My next Public Performance of Poems
> June 22nd in Brooklyn as part of Satelite Arts. I’ll be reading poems with a small ensemble of Improvised Music!

T H A N K   Y O U
S T A Y    S W E E T


Hello loyal ses readers, long time no see. My June booking is open and I’ve only got a few more appointments available! Book here! 

These past couple months have been really nice! At Love Bites we did a couple flash days to benefit Palestine and they were really successful. We raised $830 at the last one and we were participating in an international flash event where all together everyone raised about $74,000. It felt really nice to be doing something with so many people working towards the same goal! It felt really connecting.

The flash for Palestine is still available to get tattooed and the money will continue to get donated, so feel free to check it out. We’re also working on a flash day for pride month, so look forward to that!

Other than that, I’ve mostly been working a lot. I’m still not very good at latte art, but I’ve slowly been improving….  Be Normal!, the fest Kai and I did at AS220, was a success! I was so happy to see people coming out to see some really cool bands. 

I applied to QTZ Fest and I really hope I get a spot, but I’ll definitely be going whether or not I do. They get so many amazing artists each year and I love to wander around there! Last year I even got to do a couple trades which was so cute and fun.



This year has mostly been spent travelling with my band. I feel basically adrift but also happy. Here are the next couple shows:

We'll also be playing Fuck the Fourth in Providence. You can see Pippi's section for her spectacular poster and get tickets here: FUCK THE FOURTH
Hope to see some of ya'll out there. Always feel free to come say hi.



HARPY will be on tour June 5th - 24th with the incredible HIDE and Mirrored Fatality.
Tour Dates:
6/5 Cincinnatti OH DESGN CLLCTV 
6/6 Asheville NC Static Age
6/7 Richmond VA Hell's Door
6/8 Raleigh NC Lump Gallery 
6/9 Atlanta GA Eyedrum
6/11 Tallahassee The Bark
6/12 Jacksonville FL The Walrus @thewalrusjax
6/13 Gaineseville FL Portal 4
6/14 Miami FL Gramps
6/15 Tampa FL American Legion Post 111
6/16 Orlando FL Stardust Video
6/17 Panama City Spoon and Fork - NO HIDE/NO MIRRORED FATALITY
6/18 New Orleans LA Sibiera
6/19 Nashville TN DRKMTTR
6/20 St.Louis MO Kerr Foundation
6/21 Chicago IL Archer Ballroom - NO HARPY/NO MIRRORED FATALITY
6/22 Chicago IL Not Not - NO HIDE

All Sales from screen printed posters above and a portion of proceeds from each show will be donated to mutual aid for Palestinians.

RECTRIX will be doing a rare performance at PVD’s Fuck the 4th Fest this year - with Rene Greene and some other friends. Pippi made the posters for this year’s fest - super excited to play with friends Gyna Bootleg, Pharmakon and Trophy Hunt.  Sales from these posters go to directly support the fest. Get tickets at



Lace is the place! 


*******Library Hi-Lites*******

A brand new zine accompaniment to the collaborative performance project of Erica Dawn Lyle and Hanna van der Kolk fresh from their tour stop in Eli's backyard.





Providence Commemoration Lab Writing Residency
The Providence Commemoration Lab Writing Residency is a nine-month program that complements the Providence Commemoration Lab (PCL). The Residency will commission, support, and publish exploratory and place-based arts writing from three authors, writing in dialogue with the Lab’s nine site-specific engagements in Providence. Dr. Liz Maynard will serve as the facilitator and editor in the co-creation of an interdisciplinary and emergent residency process and publication.

Link to more info and how to apply

Applications will be received until 11:59: PM June 7, 2024


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