Sunday, March 9, 2025

MARCH to the beat of a different drum



my luv is increasing//and transcends common sense

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fancy text that says "the dirt palace" in a dusty, dark teal. the word "the" is smaller and each letter is on a diagonal line while the words "dirt" and "palace" are the same size as each other and in a straight line.



Saturday April 5th 
OHYUNG, Revenge Body, Renee Manuel, 

Saturday April 5th at Dirt Palace (Olneyville Square)

Revenge Body
Renee Manuel
A Monolithic Dome
$10-$20 NOTOFLOF
doors at 7pm
music at 8pm sharp
This is a masked event.
A portion of the proceeds will go to mutual aid towards Gaza


Interview with Storefront Window Gallery Artist Ari Montford in conversation with curator Dominic Molon up on our blog! Link is HERE


Naffisatou Koulibaly

Come see some Providence youth original designs at a fashion show on Saturday March 8th!!! Bring clothing donations to help houseless folks. 630-930pm @ Public Shop & Gallery.

As for me ((Naffi))…you know,,,,, just living life & breathing air. Thinking somehow I’m gonna get there.

"brand new hole #11" (mixed media on paper) 28x40

Howdy Dirt Palace Readers!

S P R I N G  A P P R O A C H E S (slowly, carefully)!

I am so looking forward to flowers, goslings, and wind that doesn’t hurt me to my core. This winter has been a blur, and I am grateful for things to feel more on-the-tracks than they have in quite some time. In my head that means things must be slowing down, but I think more accurately ~ I am continuing to spin many plates with a sense of balance I have long fought for. Hoping to take this energy to the Anvil of future projects, and being more present in Organizing and Showing Up for Community here in Providence.

U P D A T E S (flyers for events can be found elsewhere in this newsletter):

⚘ Things at Lost Bag continue to be quite busy! The next installment of SWEET! (a reading series I web together) is going to be March 19th and will be breaking format! Em Marie Kohl, a kin events guardian from NYC, will be leading a workshop on movement, meditation and art making. I hope you will come through!

⚘ Big Feeling Ice Cream has been going so well in our early months of being open! We are open Wednesdays through Sundays 12-9pm, and have created a work culture and vibe I feel quite proud of. Lots of tasty things on the menu, lots more to come as things begin to sprout again, and plenty of Vegan options for those who need them!

⚘ I’ve got some P O E T R Y  S H O W S coming up:

March 22nd at the Brooklyn Bowl in Philly for NIGHT OF 1000 KATES! I’ll be opening this annual Kate Bush Variety Extravaganza with a set of my poems from my collection Keep Your Little Lights Alive (Poems After Kate Bush’s “Hounds of Love” and Others). If you’re not in Philly, or prefer to stay home, the entire event will be available to livestream!

April 4th at Giovanni’s Room in Philly - in support of my dear friend Sara Mae’s Book Release for their stunning collection Phantasmagossip!

May 17th at the Nova Arts Block in Keene, NH for THE THING IN THE SPRINGThis will be my 3rd year helping support and organize the Northeast Poetry Showcase for this festival and space I have really grown to love. As always, the lineup is delightful!

 My gallery show at the Fuller Speed Shop, “Brand New Hole,” went really well! I am still in process of re-homing some of the work (larger mixed media paintings - let me know if you want to do a little peruse), but the process was super nourishing. It’s been nice to be reinvigorated by this sense of play I’ve tapped into! Currently in the works towards a show in Late Summer - details to be announced at a later time.  

⚘ With all my projects ~ I am making the firm shift away from Social Media and refocusing my efforts on a Newsletter, Website, and local Flyering practice. Feels long overdue.


Hi! Been a little while since we last spoke! February was a great month filled with so many happy and sorrowful events. I’ve been working out for a while because i want to be buff and its a stereotypical thing to do when you’re sad and want to feel better. Art is back in the front seat! I’ve been drawing so much new flash now that I no longer work at the baby store. I feel so drawn to being creative now that I don’t feel exhausted from Babies and Coworkers.

My books are OPEN!! Check out my flash on the website linked in my name or book Here! I have a couple more custom spots open for March and an Abundance of flash spots!!

It’s been a challenging week for our community with the loss of Láwû Makuriye’nte // Mango. A brilliant artist and radiant person who made this world a better place. Grateful to have had the opportunity tour with their project Mirrored Fatality and be changed by them. All of us at the Dirt Palace send our deepest condolences to Láwû’s familiy and friends. If you knew or were touched by Láwû, and would like to their support family there is a gofundme. Link HERE

In other news… My birthday is coming up (the 17th). Don’t really have any plans but would love to see friends that week. Please come to the Hide show Thursday March 13th.

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ BULLETIN BOARD ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Upcoming Events & Opportunities:

A group exhibition and community gathering celebrating the inauguration of Auntys House Studio including kinship members, folx who have been part of our growth, organization partners, and event participants. The exhibition features work that is multigenerational and multimedia, with a live performance, and family zone. In the spirit of a housewarming this exhibition is also a potluck, if you feel inclined you can sign up to bring a dish using the link in our bio.

Please join us for the opening reception on March 15 from 3-7 PM (exhibit on view through April 5)

Art-Making for the Ancestors: Ifé Franklin's Ancestor Slave Cabin Workshop

An intergenerational art-making event honoring the lives, culture, and community of Rhode Island's enslaved Black ancestors.

at the Providence Public Library
Saturday, March 15, 12-3pm

The event is free and open to all ages. It is organized by the Bristol, RI-based initiative Research BIPOC History & Providence Cultural Equity Initiative (PCEI) is co-sponsoring the event.

Eventbrite Link HERE

“Sharing Resources” is a series of 4 gatherings designed to form new relationships, share our understanding of the opportunities and challenges around us, and chart tangible resources to support local creative lives.


Each gathering will center a different theme as it activates specific videos from the series “Time Has Told Me” to open conversations, identify possibility, and organize resources within the Community Libraries and beyond. As we transition times of crisis and overlapping challenges, we hope this space will feel welcoming and nurturing to all of you invested in art, culture and strengthening local systems of mutual support. Facilitated by Hernan Joubá and guest collaborators.

SESSION #1 | Systems of Support

Mt Pleasant Library (03/06 – 6pm-7.30pm)

Join Stephanie Fortunato and Nan Joubá in exploring systems of support & opportunities for the new –both in the libraries and beyond.

SESSION #2 | Spaces of Practice

Rochambeau Library (03/08 – 11am-12.30pm)

Come explore how to access space, equipment and support for creative practices at the community libraries! Local-maker Alex Hornstein will also introduce us to the many ways in which he has succesfully ran Kickstarter campaigns to support his projects at the intersection of science, technology and art.

SESSION #3 | Arte y Salud (en Español)

South Providence Library (03/14 – 6pm-7.30pm)

En este encuentro conversaremos con Sussy Santana y Carolina Briones sobre las diferentes maneras en las que podemos mejorar nuestra calidad de vida a través de procesos creativos y artísticos.

SESSION #4 | Embodying Visions

Knight Memorial Library (03/15 – 11am-12.30pm)

In our last session of the series, we’ll discuss ways to approach and structure new projects and get them off the ground with tools at the Entrepreneurship Center and beyond. As usual, we’ll also watch a video from “Time Has Told Me” to anchor our conversations, and finish by sharing concrete resources available to library patrons.

Lost Bag Shows!!!

venus in blue jeans//venus in furs/// forward to a friend

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