hello! this sunday, september 13th we're having some semblance of yard sale from NOON-4PM on our 'front porch' next to the art window (which has some new stuff in it byyy the way) facing olneyville square.
the yardsale will feature exotic goods from distant lands such as:
- functioning pump organ (mysterious!)
- homemade vegan muffins
- giant 18-ft sturdy-as-a-mountain wooden ladder
- a inkjet printer (that needs a USB cord and color ink cartridge)
- fancy photo paper (color or b&w? who can say! 18x24?)
- handmade furniture
- outrageous wood stove
- books? i would assume? all yard sales have books
- preserved blood from a variety of authentic vestal virgins
- one million hats with various debateably "ironic" logos
- aaaand frog
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